
MVPs Mentor Women About Equality In Tech

“We all deserve a seat at the table, we all have something important and unique, our own skills and perspectives are important to the development of our communities.” This is the message from Data Platform MVP Mico Yuk and Developer Technologies MVP Diana Rodriguez as they each mentor women around the world about equality in tech. Here are their stories.

Celebrating International Women’s Day with 21 tech trailblazers

Today we are celebrating International Women’s Day by highlighting a series of 21 tech trailblazers who are making significant strides in the developer community. Many of the women we interviewed are directly involved with our educational outreach and inclusivity programs like Google Developer Groups and Women Techmakers while others are Google Developers Experts or Googlers who are doing amazing work around the globe. While all of the women featured here have unique stories around their journey into tech, a commonality among all of them is the dedication to making the developer community more inclusive for all future generations of women to come. We are honored to celebrate #IWD2021 with them.

Google Cloud Celebrates International Women’s Day

Today, Google Cloud celebrates International Women’s Day #IWD2021 and stands with those who #ChooseToChallenge inequality, call out bias, and question stereotypes. Together, we can forge an inclusive world that accurately reflects the people and communities who live in it.

Covid-19: The race to build coronavirus ventilators

'....Another challenge is managing thousands of enthusiastic volunteers to work productively. It sounds like a good problem, but it is still a problem, says Diana Rodriguez, a US-based Venezuelan software developer who has worked in other health-tech open source projects: “Directing people’s efforts is going to be a huge challenge. Some people will work a lot and have a lot of knowledge, but this is very complex.” A sharp goal and a sensible division of labour are crucial: “Not everyone has the same skills, so people should do what they are good at.”'

[Podcast] Heroines of JavaScript series: Lauryn & Layla interview Diana Rodriguez

Lauryn & Layla Interview Diana Rodriguez. One of the 20 women featured on the "Heroines of Javascript" trading cards set. Highlighting 20 outstanding women working in the worldwide Javascript ecosystem.

[Podcast] CodePrep #7 Diana Rodriguez

In this episode Diana talks about how she started programming and how she started working with DevOps. She talks about her work with Vue Vixens and how the cloud is impacting DevOps today

[Vue Vixens Masterclass] Debunking Myths: The Imposter Syndrome

Real life struggles. Real tips and answers. An entertaining (yes!) talk about those things we never talk about.

Unsung Heroes of Vue: Diana RodrĂ­guez

The Vue community is made up of over 122,000 stars (literally), and this series provides interviews with developers who are working across the world to make the Vue community a better place. In this article, we continue our focus on Vue Vixens with a conversation with Diana RodrĂ­guez.

2018 Vue Vixens retrospective and 2019 roadmap

It’s been a whirlwind year in our community, as we have built it from nothing at the beginning of the year, formally launched it in February 2018, and grew it into an exciting, vibrant group of passionate women developers and allies in a very short period of time.

Building a Technical Team the Emerald City Way

Get ready to follow the Yellow Brick Road with me as I talk a bit about how I built a tight-knit technical team based on what I call the Emerald City Principle.

[Podcast] Opening programming's gates to women communities

Diana Rodriguez, Worldwide Community Organizer for the Vue Vixens Initiative, joins us today to talk about her early experiences with development as a child, her transition into a becoming a full-time professional and her work with getting women from communities all over the world involved with programming!

[Dev Live Stream] Debunking Myths: The Real Developer Syndrome

The same way a chef doesn't live inside their kitchen to be a good chef, developers don't have to spend their lives attached to devices to be "real developers". Let's have an honest talk about keeping a healthy balance between work and your personal life and avoid burning yourself out!

[Podcast] Eat, Sleep, Code: Meet the Vue Vixens

On this episode of Eat Sleep Code, Jen Looper and Diana Rodriguez discuss Vue Vixens, an organization of people who identify as women and who want to learn Vue.js to make websites and mobile apps. Jen and Diana share their story of creating and building a successful developer community and growing Vue Vixens into a worldwide organization.

Meet Vue Vixens

It’s my great honor and pleasure to formally introduce to the world a program, project, and community, Vue Vixens! We are also very happy to launch this new blog, kindly hosted by our friends at!